Keller Williams

Keller Williams

Thursday, August 20, 2015

10 Signs That You Might be a Real Estate Agent

1.  If your career choice has ever made you question your sanity.
2.  If your passenger seat doubles as your desk and occasional lunch table.
3.  If you're more lost without your cell phone than the average teenager.

4.  If your "Realtor Radar"  goes off when anybody within a country mile mentions anything about real estate.
5.  If you know what it's like to go from wandering where your next deal will come juggling 3 buyers who want to see 17 homes by 6pm.....and suddenly having to negotiate an offer on one of your listings that's been on the market for a year....all within a split second.
6.  If you've ever been accused of making too much money.
7.  If your "ice bucket challenge"  looked more like this...

8.  If your tax write-offs almost match what you earned.
9.  If a "working vacation" is the only vacation you know.

10.  If technology is your best friend.....AND your worst enemy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015



        1.  Enhance the curb appeal.

2.  Increase the property's footprint.
3.  Update bathrooms.
4.  Update the kitchen.    
                         organized kitchens sell Twin Cities homes faster

5.  Increase storage space.
6.  Add a garage.
7.  Fix any major faults.
8.  Paint and redecorate the interior.      

Image result for picture of screened porches
9.  Increase and update outdoor space. 

10. Replace siding or windows.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to sell your home the fast way!

#1  Declutter, declutter and declutter
#2  Sell or donate all unwanted items
#3  Deep clean the entire house
#4  Neutralize your home
#5  Repair any issues with the house
#6  Fix up the yard

The Day of Showing
#1  Make the house smell good
#2  Let the light in
#3  Make sure all rooms are cleaned
#4  Stage the home
#5  Take the pets with you
#6  Play soft music

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

7 Top Reasons to Use a Real Estate Agent

#1  Setting the right list price
#2  Effective Home presentation
#3  Gets your home seen by the buyers
#4  Negotiation of Buyer's offer
#5  Negotiates inspections results
#6  Makes sure transaction moves along smoothly towards closing
#7  Gets you to the closing table, getting your home sold at top dollar!! 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

First Night in a New Home Checklist.

For you:  Bedding, toilet paper, toiletries, hand soap, shower liner, towels, pajamas, work clothes

To Eat:  Cups, paper plates, silver ware, paper towels, dinner, breakfast foods, snacks, coffee machine, pet food.

Practical:  Trash bags, phone charger, flashlight, hammer and screw driver, pen and paper

Kids:  Baby supplies, formula, toothbrush and tooth paste, pj's,        night light, change of clothes, teddy bear and something for  entertainment.

Don't forget some bubbly to celebrate!  

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

8 Things not to do when buying a house

1.  Don't apply for a new credit card.  Remember that when you apply for a new credit card, it can be      BAD and look poorly on your credit rating.
2.  Don't buy a new car.  If you would like to live in a car instead of your dream home, then go ahead      and pick one up.
3.  Don't go furnish the home before you own it.  We all know that you have already picked out that        new couch, entertainment center and flat screen TV.
4.  Avoid changing jobs.  Although job changes can provide better pay or a chance of advancement, it      could delay your quest for home ownership.
5.  Don't close any credit accounts.  This can be a bad move for your credit score.
6.  Don't spend your savings.  You're going to need cash for down payment and closing costs.
7.  Don't move money without a paper trail.  Your lender is going to need documentation for all your        transactions to make sure you really have enough money.
8.  Don't get behind on payments.  Make sure you stay on top of your credit card and rent payments.