Keller Williams

Keller Williams

Thursday, August 20, 2015

10 Signs That You Might be a Real Estate Agent

1.  If your career choice has ever made you question your sanity.
2.  If your passenger seat doubles as your desk and occasional lunch table.
3.  If you're more lost without your cell phone than the average teenager.

4.  If your "Realtor Radar"  goes off when anybody within a country mile mentions anything about real estate.
5.  If you know what it's like to go from wandering where your next deal will come juggling 3 buyers who want to see 17 homes by 6pm.....and suddenly having to negotiate an offer on one of your listings that's been on the market for a year....all within a split second.
6.  If you've ever been accused of making too much money.
7.  If your "ice bucket challenge"  looked more like this...

8.  If your tax write-offs almost match what you earned.
9.  If a "working vacation" is the only vacation you know.

10.  If technology is your best friend.....AND your worst enemy.

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